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Misha is not having a nice day ;_; (Thu May 10 04:19:01 2001 )


Well, I just felt like ranting. After losing a 
cel on eBay that was meant to be a present, I 
feel so terrible. Now I have no idea what to get 
my friend for her belated birthday (this type of 
thing keeps happening..first it was doujinshi, 
but they were sold out, then I keep trying to win 
cels for her...*sigh* I feel like I'll never be 
able to get her one ;_;). Not to mention I'm just 
broke as it is, but that's no news. 

But the thing that really has me bummed is that 
in the past few days I've been bombarded by so 
many cels that I COULD get, people e-mailing me 
or things happening. And no one is ever willing 
to trade *sigh*

Plus, today I woke up late. FOR MY EXAM. Needless 
to say, I don't hintk I did too well (I didn't 
study 'cause I study in the morning...*sigh). I 
just had to run out in the middle of the night to 
grab some audio tapes for my French exam. I have 
to do a monologue. And now I'm sitting her 
staring at a scan of a cel I would give my left 
ovary for sitting on the AC update (actually, my 
friend suggested that I could sell some of my 
eggs. Hell, I don't plan on using them, and you 
can get a few thousand for it...hmmmm...). 

Then I never ate lunch today, and when I got my 
Mcflurry from Mcdonald's it was half-melted and 
unmixed, but I was too tired to complain. I also 
got a tape I'd been waiting for of original Zelda 
eps from the 80's and, just my luck, the tape is 
utter crap. The seller said it was GREAT 

On another note, Misha has not had enough sleep.

I guess just watching all of these cels roll by 
just bugs me. And one or two of them aren't very 
expensive, either. But I know they'll be bought 
out from under me...that's the way it goes, I 

And tomorrow I get to go to the post office and 
send an unbearable chunk of money out. Ahh, well.

On a more positive note, once I send that money 
out I will be getting many many pretty cels in 

However, I have two exams tomorrow as well as a 
paper due, and then on Friday I have a portfolio 
due, so I really should go. Thanks for letting me 
stew in my own juices for a while...I should feel 
better soon. My brother is dropping by for 15 
mins to drop off his cat. He's going on a trip 
and so I'm cat-sitting. I wonder how Mr. Inky 
(his cat) and Kushi (my cat. She's white-gray-
black..you hafta see her. Kuroi = black. Shiroi = 
white. I combined those to make a clever pun. Ku 
= 9. Shi = death. Nine deaths, black-white ^.~ 
Ha. I know I'm stupid) will get along. Last time 
he nearly ate poor Ku-chan o.o

Funny thing is, this is one of my BETTER days 

-Misha-chan...who has to go speak French now, LA 

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