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Got those "watchin' the auction" jitters... (Sat Jun 16 03:10:10 2001 )


Ever had one of those auctions that you bid on, 
hoping upon hope that no one would pass your max 
bid, and you check a few days later, and...

No one else has bid.

At first you're happy. You're like, hey, this 
might work out.

Then a day later or so...still no other bids.

So you keep checking.

And then you start to get paranoid. You want to 
keep your hopes up that maybe luck is finally on 
your side and giving you a break for once. But at 
the same time, that feeling of impending doom 
that you feel, that feeling of "Oh, god, they're 
going to ambush me at the last minute!" grows...

And so you just sit and hope that everyone else 
doesn't like the cel, while knowing that your 
hope isn't realistic.

I'm feeling that right now. I'm watching an 
auciton hoping upon hope, and it would just be so 
so great if this actually worked out. I have the 
perfect amount of money for it an everything. It 
would be the best thing EVER if no one bid 
against me. And I hope hope hope that's the case, 
but I really doubt it, and I'm getting happy and 
depressed at the same time. Now excuse me while I 
go twitch in the corner.


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