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-.-# (Fri Apr 6 22:18:46 2001 )


*sigh* I just asked that people stop posting the 
link to every Raph cel that pops up. Tennimon 
cels are fine..hell, even I've done it! I said it 
politely, and I resent any comments that I 
was "whining" or that the series is "off-limits". 
I said neither of these, and I'm sick of the 
people on this forum twisting words around. The 
Pocket incident of last night is proof that this 
forum goes easily out of control. 
And I indeed acknowledged the good intentions 
that were ther, and even THANKED HER TWICE for 
them. Please stop twisting my words around. Yes, 
I know these sites aren't "secret", but I know 
many who don't check them very often, or only 
look at things that are brought to their 
attention by this forum. 
And again, was Yann's request to stop posting 
URL's like that. 
I would just requesting the the Raphael cels stop 
being posted every time. Hell, it was just a 
REQUEST (which I even said in my first post), 
which means it could be ignored. I am by no mans 
demanding it, and in no way own this forum. 
Please stop over-reacting. Thank you for your 


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