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Ads on the 'net in general are going way too far... (Fri Nov 9 13:44:47 2001 )
D.G. Requiem [View profile ]

Eh, a million popup ads aren't bad at all.  Have 
you been to tvguide.com?  there's a mini ad 
between the times and the channels that if your 
mouse goes anywhere near, it pops down and 
encompasses the whole page.  you can't just click 
it off!  Now they added sound, so it's gotten 
even worse.

Another bad one I noticed was Hotmail.  When I'd 
click for a link to another site someone sent me, 
I'd get a window with an ad that wouldn't go to 
the website until the whole flash ad had run, and 
even then sometimes not at all.  Good thing they 
got rid of that...

Basicly they're trying to figure out just how 
much ad they can shove down our throats before we 
say 'no more' because up until then, it's all 
profit.  Its like... I remember when MTV first 
came on... and there were no ads at all... same 
with disney channel.  *sniff sniff*  

It really disturbs me that someday I might want 
to go check the news online but get interrupted 
every few minutes so that I have to watch three 
minutes of ads like on TV now.  *sniff sniff*  Do 
you realize that a full third of every television 
show is devoted to ad time?  hour long show, 
forty minutes show, twenty minutes commercial.  
Half hour long show, ten minutes commercial...

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