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Yes, sounds true! (Mon Nov 5 04:27:49 2001 )
Ave. [View profile ]

The people in the post opffice have asked me to 
show me my cels next time I come in line and they 
know I collect them and often ask questions and 
now want to see them. Once I came in and before 
they called me next in line the guy asked if I 
was going to get an IPMO because he was out of 
them and actually remembered that! I told him no 
that day and they all looked shocked! lol But 
that was so funny! All the postal workers and I 
are on first name bases and well, we talk about 
anything, including at first they did ask what I 
was getting and sending off to all these 
countries so told them about cels and such and 
some hold their breaths at the money I've spent 
on cels and just are stunned at the expensive 
hobby. ^_^ Plus, the guy who delivers my mail and 
I are sorta friendly. I bet he does think it's 
odd all the EMS packages and well, was explaining 
to me the other day the new method or something 
of them coming in lately... 

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