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Re: Add my 2 cents... (all i can spare with my latest cel bill!) (Tue Oct 9 01:43:40 2001 )
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You need to be better informed, and stop living 
in a dream world- this is the real world, it's 
not a John Lennon song. We can't just sit back and 
wait for more people to be murdereed. It does 
stink that civillians can be killed, but that 
can't keep us from the greater good of preventing 
MORE large numbers of people being killed. Any 
"collateral damage" as they antiseptically call it 
is the fault of the terrorists, not the US. 
Thusfar there have not been many casualties- 2 to 
6 as opposed to the 6000 Al Queda caused. The 
Taliban/Bin Laden/Al Quaeda brought it upon 
Afghanistan, not the USA. THEY are the villain. 
Pacifism is nice, but sometimes it is NOT the 
answer, and will only result in you being 
continually beaten until you're dead. This is the 
real world. Your nicknname describes your take on 
things pretty darn well. If you truly hope for 
less suffering everywhere, then you should be 
backing the carefully measured response that the 
Bush administration, Mr. Blair, the coalition, and 
the Joint Chiefs are prescribing. The time for 
unrealistic dreams of just sitting back and 
thinking that they'll just understand us and quit 
being bad people is OVER. It is a new world- a 
world where the EVIL forces have taken this up a 
knotch, we did not ask for that, but we will 
finish it for the good of the world. 

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