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Re: Saiyuki repros (Mon Aug 20 04:32:53 2001 )
misha-chan [View profile ]

Hmmm...well, that all depends. The original 
repros were released when Saiyuki had an 
exhibition in January, and they've been floating 
around...honestly, I can't say how rare or 
available these movie ones will be, however I do 
know that all I've seen of the released repros is 
on YJ and at Usagi's House. And mostly ugly 
pictures of Sanzou (hate to say it, but his anime 
incarnation is uuuuuugly! He looks much better in 
the manga...). 

Anyway, just how much WERE these repros? E-mail 
me privately...I might ask you to buy some. 

So, how was the movie? Saiyuki is kinda odd in 
it's aim...the bishies, though fishy-lipped, are 
aimed at women, yet the women are definitely 
aimed at men. Ririn (AKA Lilin), Yaone, and even 
the hermaphroditic god/goddess Kanzeon Bosatsu 
(by the way, did they do hir see-through shirt? I 
imagine that contributed to the nudity quite a 
bit), usually have a good deal of bounce-age. Oh, 
yes, and the afore-mentioned bad-assed-ness is 
definitely aimed at men...they are bad-ass in the 
TV series, but in a way that you know they had to 
pay to get as bad-ass as they are...I mean, look 
at their character histories. 

(I originally went on a rant about their 
character histories here, but decided it was too 
OT for a cels forum. So, um, use your 

Anyway, I would say at least nab one, and if you 
nab any others, never fear, I know a LOT of 
Saiyuki collectors who would love to take them 
off of you hands...



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