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Re: *giggle* (Sat Jan 19 01:03:49 2002 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

Yeah... I thought about that recently. I thought 
of how many nice shitajiki I could have got with 
all the $$ i've spent on cels (along with what 
awesome new clothing i could have... cds i've 
been longing for.... etc).

Then i thought "i'm not going to do this 
forever". It's true.. I will get exhausted from 
this some day. I know people have done it for 
years.. but don't we all start out working really 
hard/crazy for cels.. then taper off a bit? I 
dunno. When I see a ..say... UFO doll i want, or 
shitajiki, or wall scroll, or poster etc - I 
think MAN i want that.. but then I know that 
there are many of them out there - and that I can 
always get one. Cels are very one of a kind, and 
original artwork (a dying art form..), so I found 
more value in that. BUT - this is not to put down 
those pretty pencil boards at all. I wish i had 
even ONE. 

I don't think collecting cels makes you any 
better or worse than any other anime fan. Collect 
whatever makes you happy. 

.:Noble Heart:.

*who fears her email more than anything lately... 

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