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Re: Re: Want your cels and sketches unstuck? (Wed Mar 27 05:29:50 2002 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Well, for getting the sketch unstuck, I imagine 
it is not that high.  In order to get prices, you 
have to email them, or call, and request the kit 
free of charge.  It details their prices and 
procedures. All the prices were fairly 
reasonable...but..you have to realize that when 
you send a cel in, they do a number of things to 
it before they restore it.  It's too detailed to 
list it all here though.  I highly recommend 
emailing them for the kit, you can find 
everything you need to know there, and it's 
free.  They actually get to the root of the cel's 
problem and fix it.  They do a lot of research, 
cleaning and monitoring.  They're also very 
helpful and friendly.  Id list the prices, but I 
dont know if that would be in bad taste, plus it 
involvles so much different stuff, I wouldnt know 
where to begin.

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