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Mandarake is the happy place.... (Wed Mar 13 11:45:28 2002 )
Kamiki- nli (Silly me...) [View profile ]

Sorry you didn't get the cel you wanted... funny 
story tho..

I was looking at the cels and my best friend was 
looking over my shoulder and was like "Hey!  
Thats not CLAMP Campus... that looks like Tokyo 
Babylon... I know thats Subaru...I wonder if 
that's Seishirou..."

Me:  "uh-huh, sure... oh look!  Kenshin! *shiney*"

Her:  Well, if you're gonna order that Kenshin 
cel you should probably get that mislabeled CLAMP 

Me:  "Uh-huh... WHOA!  Kenshin profile with his 
scar for $100!?"  *click click check out check 
out click*

Her:  "Erm...probably worth about... eh, oh 
well... maybe I'm wrong..."


Silly me ^^;   I should watch more CLAMP...

Good luck on your hunt for whoever got it... 
anyone who hasn't checked out Mandarake should... 
I'm sure most of the stuff is picked over, but 
all their cels were dirt cheap... (even the ones 
correctly labeled /wink)

Happy Hunting!!

-Kamiki ^_^ (pst...check out my new Kenshin cel 

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