The Anime Index

Anime : Angel Cop

Titre / Title : Angel Cop
Cassette no: 3
Nb. Episode : 1
Length : 29 min
The Death Warrant
With the leader of the Red May in custody of the SSF, details begin to emerge of a sinister high level governmental conspiracy that threatens the future of Japan - from within. The mysterious "H-File" could be the key to the safety of Japan - or it could mean the death of every members of the SSF! Meanwhile, the three enigmatic psychic "hunters" also target the SSF. Angel has found her missing partner Raiden - transformed into an incredibly powerful armoured cyborg! But whose side will he be on ? Is there any way the members of the SSF can hold their own against such overwhelmings odds ?

Copyright ©1996 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved / Copyright on published documents