The Anime Index

Anime : Mad Bull 34

Titre / Title : Mad Bull 34
Cassette no: 3
Nb. Episode : 1
Length : 50 min
An accused rapist and murderer is released from police custody due to lack of evidence which signals the start of one of the 34th Precinct's most dangerous cases. An eager news reporter gets in over her head while trying to break the case, and her life is soon threatened - along with the lives of Mad Bull and his partner. The corruption and conspiracy surronding the accused - head of a notorious crime syndicate - reaches all the way to the top of the local government, leaving Mad Bull to attempt to solve the case with no back up. As the detectives of the 34th Precinct get closer to the truth, the danger escalates and a gang of contract killers are told to eliminate them, and anyone else who is a threat !

Copyright ©1996 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved / Copyright on published documents