
Cover Iczer-3 Cover Iczer-3 Cover Iczer-3
Adventure: Iczer-3
Anime (6 OAV of 30min each)
Toshihiro Hirano
Character designer
Toshihiro Hirano
Published in english by US Manga Corp.
Original version 1991 (AIC)
English version 1994
Anime Index
Iczer-3 entry

Iczer-3, Iczer-2 and Iczer-1

Iczer-3, Iczer-2 & Iczer-One


After defeating Big Gold, Iczer-1 hunts down her evil agents throughout the galaxy. Finally she confront Neos Gold, the most powerful of Big Gold's spawn. Both are hurt during the fight and too weak to continue. Neos Gold flees the combat, announcing to Iczer-1 that she will rest and come back for a final battle, which will take place on Earth! She then sends her commanders, Fiber, Bigro, Insect and Goldem to invade the Earth and prepare it for her return. As Iczer-1 also need to rest, Sister Grey, the leader of the Cthuwulf decides to send Iczer-3, Iczer-1's little sister, to protect the Earth until the final battle may take place...

"Adventure: Iczer-3" was first intended as a parody of "Fight ! Iczer-One" and was published as a radio drama. Then it was made into an anime, trying to match the events that occurred in "Fight ! Iczer-One". Even if the anime isn't a parody anymore, it still has a much lighter mood and doesn't retain the "horror" element of "Fight ! Iczer-One", except for a few gore scenes and some nasty critters. The story is also much more straightforward: Iczer-3, with the help of a few humans aboard the Queen Fuji spaceship, fights Neos Gold's commanders until the final battle may happen.

Hirano's style is much more "modern" than in "Fight! Iczer-One", nearer to "Iczelion", but still very good all the same (if not even better?).

The music composed by Takashi Kudo is far from being as good as the ones of the other two anime even if there is a few nice pieces but you will need the CDs (the volume 5 being the best one by far) to really notice them.

In building !

Summary (Spoiler !)



Pictures from the anime

Iczer-3 cels from my collection


Copyright ©1997 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved. Pictures are copyright Hirano Toshihiro and AIC