Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anyone dealt successfully with Abdel? (Sat Jul 31 00:06:50 1999 )


Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who wrote back - you were all really helpful
and I appreciate it.

Well, Abdel wrote me later that day to say he still hadn't received
my payment (sigh), but that he would send me one of the cels from
my order despite everything... So, I guess I can just wait and see 
what happens.

He also wanted me to relate a message to this forum about shipping
fees. He said that the fastest method of shipping would run about
$70 (!!) to either the U.S. or Japan hence he uses the 'traditional' 
shipping method which costs between $12-15 and supposedly varies greatly
in how long it takes; anywhere between 10 days and 1.5 months...

My previous experience with shipping from France has led me also to 
believe its really pretty slow- on average about 5 weeks...
Does anyone know why this is??  Even airmail shipping from Japan
only takes at most 10 days.  (at least in experience!)

- Debbye  

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