Cels Forum

Re: Re: A word on anonymous posts... (Mon Jul 26 09:17:37 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

I got attacked once on a mailing list.  
Some guy was refering people to images on my server to sell
his stuff.  Then when I protested publicly, he posted that
he can get anything that I sell for a fraction of the price
and not to buy from me.  Well, I renamed my directory and 
deleted some images to confuse him.  I also stopped advertising
to the list.  I figured that I am well known enough and have
a loyal clientel that will always come back to me. There are also
other lists to advertise on.  :)
I wouldn't take a little discussion about a person's integrity
too seriously and I don't consider it "flaming", as all the
guy did was try to steal my business and he never called me

Just my personal experiance.  :)

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