Cels Forum

Re: Speaking of expensive cels....what is the most you ever paid? (Sat Jun 5 20:15:56 1999 )
Pretty Boy

Some of us were born to wealth and some earned it ourselves.
I'm part of both worlds and a firm believer of earning my 
own, then reaping the rewards.  Sure family money got me 
started, but with a lot of hard work, I don't need that money
anymore and all my pretty cels of all my bretty boys I 
baught by myself.  
Those of you that are complaining about us rich b*****ds with our
expensive cels, ability to go to most convenitons and have 
a waloping good time in luxury perhaps, you might consider switching
jobs?  We're at the dawn of the 21st century and there is so much 
opportunity out there!

And I won't even tell you how much I've paid for my most expensive
cels; they're not even on my website.  Waving stuff in people's faces
just to make them envious is not this Pretty Boy's style.

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