Cels Forum

Re: Re: Slayers cel of Lina on auction @ eBay...LIVE? (Sun Feb 28 04:38:24 1999 )
Lady Zatara

I hear you on that - I'm working 15 hours of overtime
this week so I can make my car payment while buying
those Battle Angel cels that I'm dying for.  It's 
pretty sad when you actually have a moment where you
think, "Hmmm... car payment or cel?  Insurance or cel?
Medication and survive this blasted flu ... or buy more 

I refuse to shop anymore - I spend more than enough 
on this hobby anyway.  Sometimes I have to scour my 
room, basement, and every other room in the house
for any anime stuff or childhood toys that are
now worth oodles of money (ie. My Little Ponies and
all of those damned Sailor Moon cards that keep turning
up in every corner of my house) for anything I can sell
to make more money for cels.  It's pretty bad when 
you have to weigh the personal value of some stuff
against a cel... it's a good thing I'm not married,
or the poor guy would be in serious debt from this 

And as for "If you have any balls"... well, uhm, not
the last time I checked...


Lady Zatara 

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