Cels Forum

Cel Collecting and debt...=) (Mon Mar 1 19:20:08 1999 )
Lady Zatara

Sure, I'll marry you.  What sort of cels shall we collect?
(laughing) j/k... two collectors in the same house 
would be a perpetual utopia for the IRS to audit...

I didn't say I wouldn't buy ANY ... I'll just have to
stop for a while or else I'll end up having to sell
my car just to cut the debt.  :P  I COULDN'T stop
collecting if I wanted to... but why would I want to?
It's such a neat hobby, even if it is addictive and

Lately, to afford new cels I'm just scrambling through
my collecting and trying to find ones I'm either tired of
or which (when I'd sell them) I could think of as a "trade"
for a new cel (ie. Battle Angel cels!!!) that I really 

I'm thinking about selling my Cutey Honey F cel, and a few
other Sailor Moon cels... apparently Rayearth cels aren't
popular enough to bother listing them on eBay... I doubt
I could even get what I paid for them =(

At least I know that I'll have lots of time from May-August
when college is on break (mein gott, I'm SO tired... 
trying to go full time and still afford the car, insurance
and CELS... pretty bad when I can even put them in a top 
priority of living :P) to work lots of extra hours and 
spend even more money on this blasted addiction...=)

Be well..=)


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