Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Using eBay to advertise? (Tue Feb 2 08:09:18 1999 )


Ebay survives by charging a fee for each auction and the
ending price.  Carol placed an ad which if I've got it 
correct Ebay is going to get 50 cents for it.

Since there will not be any bids  (it not being a real
auction) ...  They will not make any money on the ending

I don't remember the formula offhand but the $2 insertion
fee only happens if you have a very high minimum bid.  With
her minimum bid of 01 cents I think the insertion fee is 50

All the rest of the money that ebay gets beyond that is
based upon the high bid and they aren't getting any of that.

So there is no way to know how much Ebay would get if the
auction of the cels was actually held at their site but I'd
guess giving the quantity of cels she's mentioned selling
that she would have gotten at least a few bids on them and
Ebay would have taken their cut (since those people would
likely have bid on them at auction) I don't think it is 
unreasonable to believe that Ebay lost at least $10 in fees.

As I said it is only my own opinion.  It just feels wrong to
me.  It's like she found a loophole and people are saying 
it's alright to exploit it because no one is "really"
getting hurt after all it's just a big impersonal company.

Seems much like the justification people use for why they
buy Son May CD's rather than Japanese originals.

Okay, I'll be quite now, I'm sure I've already said too much

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