Cels Forum

Re: Re: WHY AUCTIONS ???? (Sun Nov 22 20:53:02 1998 )

I was one of the people that bid on those Ranma cels at eBay.
I even talked to the guy that was auctioning them, but he
wouldn't budge on the prices and wouldn't even tell me what 
his reserve was at the end of the auction.  I can't believe 
that he actually ran the auction 3 times in a row!  
I am wondering if he didn't pay some rediculous price for 
them in the first place. Or maybe he thought that he had 
really great cels or someting and got greedy. Then again,
maybe he really had no intention of selling them and was 
just doing some kind of testing or research...
Those Ranma cels were mediocre at most and I don't know what 
that guy was expecting to get for them!


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