Cels Forum

Re: Warning to Sailormoon cel collectors (Sun Oct 10 19:37:13 1999 )

Well personally I can't get into the site because it seems
like it is down at the moment...so I can't check if it has
any of my SM cels on it.  But as for whole cel image stealing
thing, I never really knew it was such a big problem.  But
I did find some stuff on the internet that might help protect
your images on your site, etc... if you go to this site:


It's not a sure fire way to protect your images but it does
make it a pain in the butt to try to take them ^_^.
There are other softwares like that (So I am told) but 
that's the only one I found.

And I do understand how many of you feel about this.  I 
spend so long scanning each and every one of my cels, editing,
resizing them twice for big image and thumbnail (to speed up
downloading time), using smartsaver to compress the images 
down, creating indivual pages for those pictures, etc...
and all that hard work goes down the drain when somebody
steals that picture and gives you no credit for all the crap
you went through.  All that work (that is why I don't update
my page much LOL) and they don't even ASK to use your images
 (I would probably say yes too) or like what Steve said
not even change the filename! it's almost insulting.

Oh well I'm babbling on here again LOL better get back on 
track.  As I was saying, there are softwares out there on 
the net that will help protect your images from being taken
w/o your permission ^_^

Hope this helps some of you people


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