Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Warning to Sailormoon cel collectors (Mon Oct 11 22:17:37 1999 )


I'm sorry, but I just think that by not giving credit of 
some sort by either linking or a foot note, ect.
your being a lazy and disrespectful web page owner. 
When I see an image that I can't live with out I at least
 ask first, like I did before my pc crashed and dumped
 EVERYTHING and I was going to use one of Christy Close's
 rare cels on a webpage banner. I simply emailed her and
 offered to put up her banner in exchange and she was more
 than happy to let me use it. 

But rest asured you're cels aren't the only images that get
 pilferd. Actually it was ironic that this came up as a few
 days ago my friend was fuming about how some lady took her
 Our Lady Peace band pics off her site and then claimed
 they were hers.It's at times like these when I'm actually
 GLAD I don't own a scanner. But, you know what they say...
 copying is one of the greatest forms of flattery or
 something like that...

BTW I joined the sailor moon. org club thing about 3 or 4
 months ago but forgot about after I soon had a better
 archive of SM than they did. After checking my old email
 as I do periodically I found out I was still a member, so
 if anyone wants me to do a little snooping for them email
 me as I have access to their larger pics. I thought some
 of their pics looked a little familier, but had assumed
 they had asked first.

I wonder if they have any of my cels that I won off ebay on
 there, it's worth a check...
Oh and word of warning: my virus scanner picked up two
 viruses this morning that were on my yahoo starting page. BootDr.16 and something else.

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