Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Cel Books, and displaying your cels (Tue Jul 14 14:10:11 1998 )


I have heard the term "silk paper" before, but art stores in
the US (in the midwestern US, that is) don't seem to know
what is meant by the term.
After talking with people at local art supply houses, they
recommended something with minimal adhesion and,
of course, acid-free.  What I put behind my cels is
Glassine tracing paper.  I got a roll (20 yds x 36 in)
for $11.52.  The particular brand I happened to get
was labelled: Aquabee No. 522 Glassine Tracing Paper
(White) Neutral pH.
The paper has a very slick surface.  It doesn't seem to
stick to the cels.  However, I have only been using
it since April, so it's too early to make any long term

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