Cels Forum

Re: New question on Cel storage.... (Tue Jul 14 12:17:49 1998 )
Yann Stettler

> I myself store my cels upright as was mentioned in a lot of
> cel guides as "ideal" in the sense of storage.  

I think that it was something for magnetic tape : the
coating is very faintly "falling" and it's better
if it does in one direction than in another :)

I don't think that it's apply to cel realy. The only
problem of storing cels flat is if you make too heavy
a stack.

Personaly, I put them in celsbook but I store the celsbook
verticaly, as in most shop, but it's more a question of
space than anything else... :) (studio also keep them
verticaly but also because it's more handy and take
less space)

Yann Stettler

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