Cels Forum

Re: Really... (Wed Apr 29 01:20:16 1998 )

I think this matter should have been taken up with 
takashi-san in the first place.  It should of been brought
up to his attention first, before discrediting him publicly.
I'm pretty sure that he would of tried to remedy it privately.
But instead, when you try to raise an eybrow on him in public domain,
that's where nothing gets done.
You dont get what you want because you have done him harm,
and he doesnt do what you have asked him to, due to the fact
that you put him in the spotlight. What is he supposed to do?
We saw a similar occurance not to long ago.  This is just a 
low key version of it that hasnt blown totally out of 

proportion yet.  I doubt selling cels is his bread and butter. I'm pretty sure Takashi-san is sick 
of being portrayed as a bad guy, when he's probably just doing this as a side thing.  

Oh well, that's my 2 ¥ anyways.

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