Cels Forum

Praise for Takashi Tanaka (Part 2 of 2) (Mon Apr 20 02:41:17 1998 )
Robert Volkovitsch


-----continued from part 1

The internet can be a scary place to do business. However I
can personally recommend doing business with Takashi Tanaka
without reservation. He is honorable, professional, gracious,
helpful, and a genuinely nice person. 

Allen, I'm sorry to hear of your problems. I hope that they
have been resolved to your satisfaction. There are many cel
dealers on the internet who would offer you very little help 
in resolving your problem. I am confident that Takashi Tanaka
is *not* one of those "unhelpful" dealers. On the contrary,
I don't think you can find a better person to purchase your
cels from.

Robert A. Volkovitsch
who has two cels on order with Takashi right now!

P.S. One more bit of info (as if the above wasn't enough) to
show everyone how Takashi is viewed in our household. My son
Michael (age 3) recently asked my wife and I what language
the people on the CD we had playing were singing in. We told
him Japanese (we often have Japanese Sailor Moon CDs playing 
in the house). Michael then asked, "Is Takashi Japanese?"
(Michael knows of Takashi becasue we tell him where our
cels come from and who sends them) After responding "Yes," 
Michael began to sing along with the songs using the only 
Japanese he knows. "Takashi, Taaa-kash-i, Ta-kashi..." rang
out for the better part of the rest of the day. ^_^

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