Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: has anyone had any replies from mangaya (Thu Oct 7 04:26:28 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

There is no excuse for disorganization, such as Mangaya.
Besides, if they is gone, there is really no loss on the cels.  
Other cel dealers will get those same cels.
Taro and Pocket don't seem to have a problem with this and they get
very nice cels equal or better quality as Mangaya at better prices.
I am not flaming Mangaya here, I am just frustrated with their lack
of courtesy and I want to know if I need to file a claim with the 
post office on a lost money order.  Despite their fiasco earlier this 
year that caused them to shut down, they were much better organized 
back then.

AND I believe that all if not most other cel dealers have a regular
job besides cels, yet most of them have the courtesy to at least let
you know that they received your payment.  Yes of course there are
a few that don't, such as Asylum for example, but that's in the 

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