Cels Forum

anime lane (Thu Oct 7 00:17:03 1999 )


Hi! I was wondering if anyone has delt with anime lane 
in the past and could give me some advice. Awhile back 
(like a year) I orderd a cute chibichibi cel from there and
 everything went well, but when I sent an email for ording a cel in july I recieved no response. The cel is still 
there as I speak, so I assume my email just got lost or
 something. Anyway, I never really sent another email
 because after that I became really busy. After waiting 
though and looking at other cels, I realized I still want
 that one. Should I try to order it agian? Or should I take
 this as a sign that he's a bad sellar? Help!

sorry if this doesn't paragraph right, but I tried!

thank you 
liz :P

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