Cels Forum

Dealing with Japan (Mon May 1 09:50:14 2000 )

Question-- why do a lot of people make a big deal out of buying from Japanese
(primarily Japanese-language) sites?  Are a lot of the cel shops in Japan
hostile or simply apprehensive to foreigners?  Or is it just that they don't
speak English?  A lot of people have told me (some rather rudely) not to even
try to deal with some Japanese companies or to attempt to use Yahoo Japan, 
and so far I haven't (being broke as I currently am) but I was just wondering
if people have had bad experiences or what, to make them say that?  

I don't like to think bad of people (and since a lot of this was in private 
email, only some of which came from this forum, I dont think I'm implying
anyone in particular) but I'm inclined to think that this way of thinking 
either comes from A) A stupid and irrational prejudice against Americans or
B) A desire to limit the number of buyers in the market.  My reason for 
feeling this way?  Today I made an effort to call a shop in Japan to order
a couple of videos I had been looking for... and the man I talked to was 
extremely kind, and very patient with my bad Japanese.  He didnt understand
English and I didnt expect him to, and although it took awhile we were both
able and willing to make ourselves understood and complete the transaction.

So... why is everyone warning me not to attempt to deal with Japanese 
companies or to try to communicate in Japanese?  I obviously can make 
myself understood well enough to purchase those videos, and everyone I 
talked to at that particular company wanted my business even if every other
word out of my mouth was "sumimasen"..... I know that, were I to contact a 
Japanese seller and ask him or her to ship to me in America, they may very
well say no... but I dont see why that possibility should stop me from
asking.  If people really have had problems, ordering cels and never getting
them or getting a rude response, I'd like to know... but otherwise it 
seems strange to tell people not to try to deal with Japan, since we are 
after all a part of a huge and beautiful global community....

Okay I'll stop my late night ranting for now... seriously though, if there
is a real reason please tell me.  


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