Cels Forum

Obsessive does not work. You need to be lucky. (Fri Apr 7 14:44:18 2000 )

I know! I am obsessive and I have my browser set up
to check many websites every five minutes when my
computer is connected to the web.

(I even tried having it beep to wake me up if it finds
a GW update but I sleep like a rock so that was back to
the drawing board).

And yes I am a sad person who stays until 2-3:00am 
to try and be right on the spot for Taro updates.

The result? I think Stephen monitors my net connection. ^^;
Why? When I'm on and am right on an update there is 
NEVER any Gundam Wing.
When I give up and go to bed (like last night) Taro updates
within 5 to 20 minutes with GW cels. No joke. It has
happened for the last 6 months) so all I get to do 
is buy from what's left and agonize over whether or 
not I missed something I REALLY wanted... *sigh*

All this rant to say: Luck is what does it. :)

Zoi -I have bad cel karma-

PS. As for turning computers on or off, what can I say,
I'm a geek. :) The only time I 'turn off' my computer is
to reboot it when Windows 95 runs out of memory (because
it does not free RAM when you close applications! Argh!).
Or during electrical storms. :P

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