Cels Forum

Re: Re: the Gundam Wing show (Tue Mar 28 08:38:58 2000 )

My, my, someone needs to take the stick out of their a**.
I'm sorry that I do not know how many episodes there are in
total or I would tell you.  Not all the people who read this
forum are so nasty and obnoxious.  Yes, it is true that
this forum is primarily for cels, but that should not make it so narrow-minded. Too bad some of the people are... 

Also, I think that same "someone" is being a little
oversensitive.  I understood the complaint about Americans.
I am one, but I know many people who I have recommended
anime to who just could not always follow the story, or
thought there was too much plot for a "cartoon".  I love
anime, but I do agree that many people in this country
don't give good anime a chance.  Well, their loss...

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