Cels Forum

Re: Re: the Gundam Wing show (Tue Mar 28 17:59:15 2000 )

   Ok let me clarify a few things. Number one I am an American. Your last comment bothered me greatly. It was not a review, I was saying how I just saw a series whom others in this forum love and collect cels from. First of all most of us collect cels from movies, oavs and tv series which we LOVE. How can you not mention the film/series itself which has inspired people to spend huge amounts of money to have a part/reminder of that certain show. And lastly I should have clarified that the attention span was referred to a younger crowd. It just reminded me of how american production/distribution companies want to cut/change most animation from Japan. I was glad the trend seems to be lessening since Miramax didnt touch Mononoke. Anyway I'm not
going to go into a rant here. Btw I get a real kick out of people who post anonymous...

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