Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: AWS boxes of cels, in case anyone is curious. . . And framing! (Mon Feb 28 09:03:51 2000 )

>Well, Japanese usualy consider that AWS prices are
>expensive. But that's for Japan...

    Yes, I agree with Yann.  AWS has lots of cels, and 
prices vary-- from about $2 on up to $60 average, although 
there are higher priced cels that go up into the hundreds.   
    The stock doesn't change that much, (this is why most 
of their stock is "picked over"), but they do add new cels 
in occasionally.  A lot of the good cels they use for 
auctions or lotteries (typically on Sundays).  
    However, you will find that AWS has sales from time to 
time.  Besides the 10 percent off on Tuesdays, they also 
have other sales.  Every month, one particular series is 
30 percent off.  Also, they have had special sales-- once 
it was 30 percent off all cels, another time it was 50 
percent off all cels.  Unfortunately, they don't advertise 
their sales except inside the store, so you never know when 
they will be held.  (At this last Wonder Festival, they 
brought some of their cels and had those cels for half-price.)
     Now-a-days, I tend to only buy from them if they're 
having a sale.  

>Once I try to go through all Tenchi boxes (took around
>4h) and ended-up with 2 average Achika cels :)

    Wow, I applaud you effort.  I shudder at the thought of 
looking through all those cels.  I've only searched through 
the Daiundokai cels myself...   


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