Cels Forum

Re: AWS boxes of cels, in case anyone is curious. . . And framing! (Mon Feb 28 12:51:22 2000 )
Yann Stettler

> from about $2 on up to $60 average

You won't find many good cels for $60 except if it's
the current anime from which they have whole boxes.
(but then you will often find cels from that anime
elswhere for better price).

Very rarely, you may be lucky and found an anime from
which cels aren't that popular in Japan but are in US.
(For example, many Devil Hunter Yohko cels that were
sold last year are coming from AWS: prices were good
compared to US). But it's very rare.

They neary don't get new cels from old anime : what
they have is left over from years ago.
(so those with the most interesting price/quality were
sold several years ago. Then the next best were sold
2 years ago. Then the next were sold last year... and
so on. A good example is Plastic Little : they still
have several nice cels of Tita. The first time I went
to Japan I bought one of them for 15K. There was very
similar for 20, 30 and 45K yen. Last year, only the
30 and 45K were left. They are probably still there as
it's realy too expensive.).

> However, you will find that AWS has sales from time to 
> time.

But it doesn't apply to all cels I think. Especialy not
the valuable ones...

> Wow, I applaud you effort.  I shudder at the thought of 
> looking through all those cels.

I am pretty single-minded... Also once you start, you
can't stop without telling yourself that "maybe in
the next box"... -laugh-

Yann Stettler

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