Cels Forum

Question: Just curious, but I was wondering... (Fri Jan 7 23:47:28 2000 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Forum,

Hi, again.  Well, I'm just curious, but after reading the
forum for a few weeks now, I was wondering how long have
some of you been in the cel collecting game and how did you
get started?  I would like to know a little bit more about
everyone on here =).

As for me, I just started cel collecting about a year ago
when I finally got some money to do this sort of thing.  I
had a local animation gallery which has since closed due to
poor sales =(, but I did get a chance to buy some cels with
them before they closed.  At the time, a $160.00 investment
in a serigraph was a major investment at the time!  I even
paid that one off in monthly 0% interest installments
through the gallery.  I was always interested in animation
and collecting animation cels, but most were out of my price
range (American cels that is).  That's when I discovered
that anime cels were more reasonably priced.  Before I leapt
in, I asked many questions and bugged a couple of dealers
about the details of cel collecting and preservation because
if I was going to spend a lot of money in a cel, I wanted to
be sure that I wouldn't end up destroying it in the process!
Finally after a few Yahoo searches, I came to the Internet
Guide to Anime Cels and thus it began!

I was mainly interested in Sailor Moon cels at first, but I
eventually branched out into other series.  Still magical
shojo series are my favorite =).  The first cel I bought was
a lovely Minako/Sailor Venus cel from CelMart, and it is
still one of my favorites today.  Along the way, I have met
many nice people whom I would like to know a little more
about if you would like to share.

Well, thanks for humoring me!  I can't wait for the
responses if there are any that is ;)!



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