Cels Forum

Re: Re: Question: Just curious, but I was wondering... (Sat Jan 8 08:49:49 2000 )


>I still remember my famous mental last words when I 
>compared to the prices on those 'funny looking
>people with the ski-slope noses and the weird halos
>in their hair' (Escaflowne).
>I thought I'd never buy those cels, too much for me.

>REAALLY famous last words there!!!

I second that really famous last word!

I started collecting Kamidake cels a little over a year ago.  
He's not a very popular character so his cels are pretty
cheap (but hard to find -_-).  First I started with one...
then two...  Then I watched Slayers and decided to get a
Zelgadis cel.  Then I watched Fushigi Yuugi, and wanted
Nakago. Finally, I caught the infamous Escaflowne Virus.  
The "I'll never buy one of those cels, they're WAY too 
expensive" syndrome.  Anyway, it seem like the more anime 
I watch, the more cels I want to buy... maybe I should 
just stop watching anime... Nah!  ^o~


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