Cels Forum

Re: Stuck Cels (Wed Dec 29 23:42:11 1999 )

If I get a sketch with just eyes or a mouth, but it goes
with the cel, I keep it. If it's something I've never seen
before and know that it doesn't go with the cel I bought, I
trash it. I also throw away the blank ones and once I got
one that just looked like someone had drawn a few lines in
colored pencil - that one went out, too! 

I've only gotten one cel that came with a sketch of a different 
character and I sold it for a few dollars. 

I don't care if cel layers are stuck together, as long as their 
fairly well lined up and the cels *DO* go together! I have a 
problem with cels stuck to pencil sketches. If there's a cel I 
want but am not dying for, I'll pass it over everytime if it says 
the sketch is stuck. I mostly collect Kaolinite and there's something 
in the red dye that just SUCKS the paper in and won't let go. The 
sketch can't be removed, either, becaue it takes the paint off. :(


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