Cels Forum

Thanks for the help so far! (Mon Dec 20 23:10:19 1999 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Forum,

Thanks for the help so far!  For me, sticking cels is not an
issue since I try to (and BEG sellers to) put the cels in a
separate protective bag away from its accompanying drawing
if any (Sound familiar to everyone I dealt with right?  That
good old spiel!).  If the cel comes with a background and is
not stuck, I slip part of a cel bag between to prevent
sticking if the cel comes stapled or taped to the
background.  If it is not stapled, I put the cel and
background into separate protective bags and tape the cel
(on the outside of the bags that is!).  If the cel is stuck,
I try to separate it if I can carefully, but if I can't, I
just stick the entire thing into a cel bag (and BEG the
seller to do the same).  So using the mismatching or blank
drawings to stick cels to is not a problem for me, hence
my thoughts on getting rid of them (especially those
mismatching mouths!)!  I have only had ONE nice mismatching
drawing come with a cel, and I will keep that one for sure
(It was a drawing of Mamoru from Sailor Moon walking that
came with one of my Sailor Moon cel purchases).

I forgot to mention in my first posting that I do intend to
keep my matching mouths, eyes, legs, etc. drawings though!
It's just those other mouths, eyes, legs, etc. that's
bothering me over wasted space!



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