Cels Forum

Re: Dumb question #2: Blank and just boring pencil sketches? (Tue Dec 21 00:53:52 1999 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


The only thing I really hate about the near-blank sketches is when someone announces that a cel "has a matching pencil sketch". . . Then I find out that for a cel which has three characters and a chair (for example), the sketch is only an eye. :P  But then I was an Art major until I switched to Biology, and I dearly love having the pencil sketches - it's a nice way to see the animation process. I proudly frame them side by side with the cel itself.

How much I value nearly blank sketches depends on if I have the other sketches to match the cel. A single mouth floating in the middle of a page can be a prize to me, *IF* I have the sketches of the rest of the cel to go with it. (But only the sketch with the most would get the honor of being framed. :)

A lot of people seem to see the sketches as novelties, or near disposable. But don't worry, you're not the only one who begs dealers to protect the sketches in transport. :)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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