Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: please, I want to own a Saturn cel.. (ahh, no shouting :P ) (Tue Nov 16 01:20:13 1999 )

I can sympathize with your dilemma....
First of all, there are not that many cels of Saturn out 
there (on the net or with cel dealers)...In the past 3 years,
I've only seen 2 cel dealers have 2 or 3 of them on the
net...Of course, the prices are high too since these are rare
And secondly, even if you have the money saved,....someone
else might beat you to those cels due to its popularity...
Of course, you have a better chance of getting a cel of 
Hotaru than of Sailor Saturn though....

But recently I myself got luck out....I ran across a Sailor
Saturn cel at a reasonable price from a very reliable cel 
dealer....Do you remember Saturn's 1st episode appearance in
Sailor Moon S.....the scene where she standed firm and 
pointed her staff (the blade that looks like a can opener) 
at Sailor Moon when Sailor Moon tried to stop her from 
That's the post I got of Saturn with the staff....
So, you just have to be patience and continue to keep your
eyes open for them..


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