Cels Forum

Has anyone ever gotten burned this way? (Tue Nov 16 10:52:25 1999 )

Recently, I tried to buy some cels at what I thought were very resonable prices.  The deal was finalized, and the store owner told me he would hold these cels for me.
He told me he could get more and he'd post them later.

Then I get an e-mail sounding like this:

Hi again....   I have good news, and some bad news...
The good news is that I have posted the other 2 other cels.
The bad news is that I have just sold the first 2 cels I had been holding for you to a person locally who offered me a very large amount for them.  I am very sorry about this!  : (    
Please be assured that I am not doing this to try to lure you into making a counter-bid.  In know this is bad e-business, and I apologize.

Has this happened to anyone else?  Well, I live maybe an hour possilby 2 from the guy that did this to me.  No, I won't do  to him, but it seems like anime cel collecters seem to be a tight knit community, especially down here in southern California.  

This little incident aside, this person seems to be an honest seller....Still, my trust has been broken and I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else.

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