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Whizbang - It was a very nice Fancel (Mon Feb 19 21:56:31 2001 )

Whizbang, I think it was a very nice fancel that 
you made. 

Despite what some may think, I agree that $150 is 
expensive for a piece of acetate - - - and I have 
a degree and good paying job. Regardless of your 
financial status, I think it is presumptuous of 
anyone to think that $150 is simply nothing to 
pay for a cel, and that if you aren't currently 
willing to pay that for a cel that your gallery 
couldn't be a very nice one.

Does anyone else remember the days of $50 Vegita 
cels? Just try to find a good one for that now.

On a side note, you are absolutely right when you 
say that the person who owns a cel has no legal 
rights to the image. The tricky part is that if a 
person alters an image, such as the color, it is 
next to impossible for a studio to be able to 
claim it as their copyrighted image much less a 
private individual.

So, the moment you changed the images color, it 
became your image.

That is American copyright law, and although you 
can find exceptions depending on your circuit 
court, it generally hold true.

I think you do great work and hope that one 
person's jealousy over not being able to do the 
same won't deter you!

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