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Re: Re:Re: Don't sigh. It's not that bad over here. (Tue Dec 5 05:55:00 2000 )

Comics? I wonder how long it will be before 
someone tries to slab and grade cels as a
standard the way they are comics now. That
would certainly drive up the prices for 'A' 
cels. I'm surprised no one has done that yet.

Money factor = negativity? Sure. I think most
of that goes with the collector's age though.
There is a lot of resentment about who gets
what cels at what price. A working adult will
be able to get cels that a student can't. I
think the younger people should accept that.
All of this borderline hatred (at times) that
has been coming out doesn't do anyone any good.
I can understand that though. To younger people
specific things can become very important and
economic restraints are almost always shown
through some sort of emotional response.

I think some are losing perspective though.
This is a hobby of luxury items (industrial
waste to some) not necessities.

That was a general observation of the times.

And the resale issue? Someone said everyone does
it, yes that is true. Some out of necessity, some
not.  One of the cels that I tried to order off
of the "original?" dealers site is there at over
double the price.  Does that make me happy?
No way! Will I buy it? Not a chance. But I will
point out something: most of the smaller dealers
that others have defended here started out several
years ago doing what this person is doing. Until
they looked elsewhere.   Unless you have
been collecting for several years you wouldn't 
know that. Yahoo Japan used to be a large source
until it became more accessable and watched by
everyone here.

I usually just wait until someone else makes this
kind of post but I haven't seen them in a while.
This is sure to offend some but that's life and
we all have opinions. That was mine. Some 
villagers with massive flaming tourches and a
noose will likely come after me when the moon
is on high and the dragons circle.  Bummer.

Nice post, Sunflower.


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