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I love Yuu Watase! This is so cool! (Mon May 28 03:26:34 2001 )

*giggles* or at least I'm excited about it..

Remember those mouthless Tamahome cels from 
Gambit a while back?  Well.. I bought one, and 
hadn't bothered scanning it because I knew I 
wanted to get it signed when I went to 
Well.. when I showed it to Yuu Watase.. she was 
like "Oh! he doesn't have a mouth." .. and she 
drew one on!  It was so cool! (And as always she 
was so super-cute about it!  I just love Yuu 
Watase. I'm so happy the con she frequents (I 
think 3 years in a row counts as frequenting) is 
right in my area.)  I can't help but squeal in 
fan-girlish glee every time I look at that cute 
little mouth.  Some of us in the audience had 
joked about it when I showed it to the people 
next to me while we were discussing what we were 
going to get autographed, but I didn't expect her 
to actually do it!
And yeah yeah... I'm sure someone is gonna say 
something about "you shouldnt let anyone draw on 
your cel because it devalues it" and such.. but 
the addition of that mouth made it absolutely 
priceless to me, and I will never ever sell it so 
frankly I could care less what anyone else thinks 
about its "value".
  I actually didn't buy much at the con at all, 
only one cel. (Utena. I -think- it's from her 
second transformation, but as my parents are 
using the VCR at the moment I can't check for 
sure ^_^) Then again there was only one real cel 
dealer there (A couple other tables had a few 
cels), and while Curt had some -lovely- Ayashi no 
Ceres cels, I have sworn not to collect it so I 
didn't even look in those books lest I be 
tempted. So the fact I think the folks from Acen 
had had first crack at most of the stock,plus me 
only collecting from a handful of series and 
being extremely picky equalled not many cels 
bought (so I overspent on other things instead. 
*lol*). However, when I got home (the whopping 40 
minute drive), two different Tenshi cels I'd 
ordered had both come in, including my Mikael 
with wings.  And its absolutely gorgeous.. I'm so 
Anyway, this message is waaay longer than I'd 
intended it to be, if you've made it this far 
through my ramblings posted below is the Tamahome 
cel.  My site's already been updated (FY, Utena 
and Tenshi including misc.) with the images, but 
I haven't added text to pages or updated cel 
counts for the new cels yet.. will probably do 
that in the next couple hours.

-To all those I was able to meet at Animazement, 
I had a great time talking to all of you! ^_^


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