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Hey, everyone else has said something.... ^.^ (Fri May 4 21:17:00 2001 )

It does suck to miss out on a beautiful cel, but 
it's not like you missed out on a heart 
transplant and now you're going to die.... Move 
on, buy another cel later, or one that doesn't 
cost as much. Or collect lint, it's free. ^.^ I 
can understand being a little sad to miss out on 
a dream cel, but if you find yourself crying,  
sacrificing food, or ACTUALLY selling 
blood/plasma/body parts like so many of us joke 
about (~_^), that's a real problem..... It's time 
to find something fun to do. Like everyone's been 
saying, cels only have the value people place on 
them. Will there still be as many collectors when 
the re-sell prices plummet (because eventualy, 
like all collectibles, they will- Take comic 
books and baseball cards for example)? Probably 
not. People like to buy things that have worth. 
Just bide your time on that dream cel, you might 
see it back up later. ^_^

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