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Do you ever get overwhelmed by this hobby? (Mon Jul 23 09:34:24 2001 )
anon person [View profile ]

I'm posting anon because I don't want anyone to 
know who I am, but I hope to get some insight. 
Yes, I am a regular. I feel overwhelmed by this 
hobby lately. I'm throwing money into it as fast 
as I can make it, and I wonder if that's wrong. 
I mean, the bills are getting paid and all, we 
eat fine, etc, but sometimes I look at the 
notebooks of cels I have there on the shelf, 
and the realization hits me that there are 
thousands of dollars in those cels. I'm also 
noticing how expensive everything is getting 
because of the huge influx of new people into the 
hobby that's making even the crummiest cels 
expensive. A reasonable cel on ebay is getting 
harder to find, the newbies there drive the 
prices to a whole new ceiling.
I have a nice collection, but it still feels 
inadequate. I'm so jealous of the people who were 
in the hobby early, and have all the super primo 
cels or somehow seem to have some magic connection 
to getting the best cels even now.
Does anyone else feel this way? Does this hobby 
ever torment you? I love the animes I have, and 
enjoy looking at my cels, but the want for more 
just seems to snowball, and sometimes the whole 
deal makes me feel sick. I have "cel mood swings" 
for want of a better term.

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