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Re: MikaNoNamida ID... (Mon Apr 8 20:16:02 2002 )
Cres [View profile ]

Have been behind on the forum, but I saw the 
query about who-is-MikaNoNamida...

I have heard (from a very good source) that she 
is an elderly woman who lives in Oregon, or Ohio, 
or something like that. She can afford to have 
such an extravagant collection because her 
husband runs his own company... they had 
mentioned it was pickles, or something like that.

Anyhow, they said they had spoken with her a few 
times over email. She has a bunch of grandkids, 
but very rarely gets to see them. When they visit 
her, though, they watch cartoons. So she buys 
cels and hangs them on her wall, because it 
reminds her of them. Her favorite grandkid looks 
just like Hiei... he kind of has that pout, and 
his hair's all messy like that. So that's one of 
the reasons why she's so heavily into the YYH 

*shrug* Anyhow, that's just what I heard... take 
it or leave it. She sounds like a really sweet 
lady. I'd love to see her celbook... Wow!


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