Cels Forum

Re: High Priced Auctions -what's the get-go? (Sun Jun 13 05:06:10 1999 )
Eric Joranson


I am one of those who has bid that high and higher on some of the nicer cels I have found on EBAY. (and I always pay)  
I have been outbid on several as well at the last minute...but never got a notice as second highest bidder.( I wish it would happen sometimes when I have lost out at the last second).  I suggest that you check with their standing if you have any trouble.  And make sure that you give negative ratings to those who don't pay as future reference for both you and others.
I have often wondered how many times bogus bids are coming from the friends of the seller, just to up the price.
But I refuse to give into paranoid conspiracy theories.
So my question is what series is it that is popular to youth that you stuck with so many extra cels....if it's sailor Moon or Oh My Goddess cels, drop me a line and I will  gladly check them out.

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