Cels Forum

Fake cels...? (Thu Feb 18 14:14:35 1999 )


  Like some of you already know, I'm
new to the anime cel collecting scene!
Before I pay good $$ for a cel, how do I 
know it's not a fake? CAN anyone out there 
tell an original from a fake cel?
  I mean, what if there's a manga cel artist
who happens to be really talented and make
a cel after work, etc.? Like if he/she pauses
a picture from the TV and redraw, paint, etc 
exactly from the screen?!! Isn't that possible?!
  If anyone have any idea, I'd be greatfully
appreciated! And has anyone bought a cel and later
found out that it was a fake?  
[stuff likes this scares me]
                        Thnx fer listening, Tawl

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