Cels Forum

TO MANGAYA -- Sit back, relax. (Mon Feb 22 04:01:25 1999 )


You obviously upset a few people by doing this auction.  Do
NOT worry about it!!!

I agree....the auction idea was a bad one.  You obviously
know this now.  Simply don't do it anymore.  Just sell it
"first come, first serve" or "lottery" or however you 
decide to run your business.

With all due respect, you must be weak-minded to let something
like this bother you.  You may have some people who don't
like you, but you also have many supporters.

I do my best to please all my customers, but you can't
win all the time.  Its just a fact.  You can please some
of the people all of the time, or all of the people some
of the time.  Not both.  So put it to the side, and continue
with your business.

--If you contine your business, I will respect you and 
  if I can help, I would be happy to provide assistance.
--If you stop selling cels.........I'll just sit back
  and have a good laugh, because you just helped other
  net-based cel dealers.

I'm as neutral in this situation as I can be.  I've never
ordered or even contacted Mangaya as far as my memory
serves me.  So if you stay or not, it doesn't matter
to me.  Just think how foolish you would look by just
closing up shop.


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